Here are answers for a treasure hunt for the M2M preachers wives group...
The Treasures
1. First Name.
Cindi, Mom, Dave's wife
2. State and Country of Residence.
Panama City, FL
3. Husband’s Ministry Title.
Associate Pastor of Students/Outreach (current church) and Church Planter (we are in the process of planting a new church)
4. Length of time in Current Ministry Location.
7ish years
5. Children? If yes, give gender and ages.
Shane, boy, 19
6. Number of unique homes in which you’ve lived during your marriage.
4 - three were apartments and town homes before we were saved and serving in ministry. We have lived in our current house since 1996.
7. Cook Sunday lunch or eat out?
I'd love to be able to say that I do a home-cooked meal every Sunday, but I'd be lying. Its usually "get your own lunch day" meaning make whatever sandwich or bowl of cereal or leftovers you want. Or, we go out to eat.
8. Typically on time for Sunday School or not?
I don't go to Sunday school (gasp!!!...I know). I help out in the church office during that time by updating the attendance records for the AM service.
9. Favorite TV Show.
We don't have cable. That said, I really like HEROS, the new Trauma show, CSI, Law & Order, and The Office :) Oh...and love watching the "24" series...we get them from Netflix.
10. Something you watch/like/do that you would never tell the church people. (Except now you just did…lol)
I love driving (with the wind whipping through my hair) and music blaring and sunroof open...sometimes Christian....sometimes old 80s. But, I have found out that there are some old songs I just can't sing anymore :/
11. Most annoying church-related pet peeve.
People who try to entrap me and others with the bondage of religion and legalism. Jesus set me & Dave free from the chains of bondage...why would I EVER want to go back???
12. One thing you need to throw away but can’t bring yourself to do it.
My old teddy bear (Bager Bear) that I have had since I was born. He is in a storage container in the garage...and has lost all his fuzz...and has holes...
13. The one food you can not live without.
ONLY ONE??? Reeces Big-Cups, Coke Zero, pizza, mexican cheezy stuff, Starbucks lattes
14. Parsonage or have your own home?
We own our own home...a PW friend of mine told me once when we were talking about "THE SERMON" ... you know the one that you may as well start packing your bags when your hubby says he is gonna preach "IT" ... She said, well at least you own your own home! :)
15. Freak when the doorbell rings or always ready for a visitor?
Freak...our home is always a wreck. I'd love to be a susie homemaker, but I just don't have enough time in the day.
Yay! It finally let me leave a comment! So thankful God blessed me with a real life PW friend. I love you bunches and hope to share some Starbucks and a long conversation with you again soon! :)
Let's get our teddy bears together and go for a drive!
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